Viewing the Emergent City and Its People


Kim Dingle, Maps of the U.S. Drawn from Memory by Las Vegas Teenagers, 1990

Do maps create or represent reality? And what is the reality that they purport to either create or represent? Is reality truth or is it perception? And, how much does perception affect what one knows to be the truth? Is a map a figment of the imagination? Do maps lie or do they make the truth visible? A mental map is map that describes an individual’s own internal map of their knowable world. It may be local (as local as the area inside a house), regional, national or international.  Mental maps draw upon a person’s memory and their point of view. They are not practical; they simply show a cartographer’s perceptions of their surroundings and the way they live in and move through physical and psychic space. Therefore, mental maps are personal and idiosyncratic and are…

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